Friday, August 24, 2012

A little update

I've been pretty busy lately. I started a new job, midnights! UGH Trust me it's a lot to get used to.
I've signed up for a craft in October. I'm really excited and will be more prepared with lots of stock than last year. 

I've gotten several shelves that I've decided to paint for the show. I love the colors!!


  1. Hi, Shannon,
    I am one of your newest followers. Love your dolls and blog. I am a friend on Facebook also. I just started my new blog and I am adding you to my blog list.
    Your friend,
    Jayne at Raggedy Jayne's

  2. Hi Jayne!
    I sent you a "friends request" on FB :)
    Thanks for adding me to your blog list, I added you too!!! Look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations! Love your dollies!!

